Let's recap reCAPTCHA gotcha: Our cunning AI can defeat Google's anti-bot tech, say uni boffins

Let's recap reCAPTCHA gotcha: Our cunning AI can defeat Google's anti-bot tech, say uni boffins

Machine-learning code solves image puzzles just like us netizens – claim

Video US-based academics claim they have developed a machine-learning system that can beat Google's bot-detecting reCAPTCHA system.

Designed to stop stuff like automated scripts from doing things like creating accounts or purchasing tickets online en masse, reCAPTCHA v2 presents an image, or a series of images, and asks netizens to click on the portions that contain a specific object, like a car or traffic light. This is supposed to defeat bots as they should, ideally, fail these simple challenges, whereas people should be able to breeze through.

The team from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, though, reckon their ImageBreaker [PDF] application is able to pass recap recaptcha gotcha cunning defeat google boffins