NIST’s role in the global tech race against AI

Last year, the United States Secretary of Commerce announced that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has been put in charge of launching a new public working group on artificial intelligence (AI) that will build on the success of the NIST AI Risk Management Framework to address this rapidly advancing technology.

However, recent budget cuts at NIST, along with a lack of strategy implementation, have called into question the agency’s ability to lead this critical effort. Ultimately, the success of this new government-mandated project will depend on NIST’s ability to overcome these unique challenges while relying on strong partnerships and new business funding initiatives.

The growing concern about AI-powered cyber threats

AI’s notable entry into the business world and our personal lives has been met with great positivity regarding its potential application. Now, more and more organizations are adopting technology to inject new levels of efficiency and automation into their operations.

However, a much darker side of this new disruptive technology has continued to escalate in severity over the years. AI technology has become a core component of many modern cybersecurity threats, allowing for highly adaptable and effective methods for orchestrating attacks.

The introduction of newer technologies like AI into cyber criminals’ arsenal has led to statistics projecting that cyberattack damages will be expected to reach $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. Much of this growing trend ca ..

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