Google’s Core Update is ‘Biggest’ Algorithm Update in History

Search giant Google is currently undergoing one of its biggest algorithm updates in its history, sources are told.

The online search platform which manages more than 8 billion searches per day is doing a significant update to its internal systems which will impact how search queries will be shown, with attention to parasite websites, improved quality rankings and spam policies.

The core update as it is known has been processed for around 2 months, starting on 5th March 2024 and ending officially on 5th May 2024, which is shown on the Google Status Dashboard.


Why Does Google Update its Algorithms?

The search company typically updates their search algorithm every couple of months to increase the quality of search results for their users looking for products, services, information and everything in between. From checking the weather, to finding a nearby plumber or to answer questions and queries, Google remains the go to place for online search requests and is the search engine with the largest market share in most parts of the world.

Certain algorithm updates address particularly search issues, including mobile quality, site speed, trust and authority (E-E-A-T), spam and general quality. The updates are used to constantly improve the quality of search results on the web and those companies and websites that appear.

In many respects, Google uses algorithm updates to massively remove the poor quality, which is often manipulated by SEO (search engine optimisation) professionals using alternative and often unsavory techniques. 

In this particular core update from March 2024 to May 2024, Google speak about reducing spam and how the impact of this update should reduce overall spam by 40% across al ..

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