What is Phishing? Find Out with Gary Davis on the Latest Episode of Tech Nation

Gary Davis is now a regular contributor on the Tech Nation podcast!  In this episode, Gary Davis educates that phishing is more than just an innocent-looking email in your inbox and shares tips to avoid getting hooked.

Moira Gunn:   00:00   I’m Moira Gunn, you’re listening to Tech Nation.

Moira Gunn:   00:06   I was surprised to learn that on the internet nearly three quarters of all cyber attacks start with what’s calling a phishing email, or should we say, a fishy email. I was able to speak with regular Tech Nation contributor Gary Davis, the Chief Consumer Security Evangelist at McAfee.

Moira Gunn:   00:26   Now we always hear about phishing.

Gary Davis:     00:27   Yeah.

Moira Gunn:   00:28   It’s P-H-I-S-H-I-N-G.

Gary Davis:     00:31   Yes.

Moira Gunn:   00:32   Phishing.

Gary Davis:     00:33   Phishing with a “p”

Moira Gunn:   00:34   Not like “gone fishing”.

Gary Davis:     00:35   It’s not like gone fishing, but it’s very similar. If you think about how we fish, we put the … The concept is, let’s put a lot of lines in the water and see if we can snag a fish, right?

Moira Gunn:   00:45   Yeah.

Gary Davis:     00:45   So, it’s conceptually fishing, but it’s a different type of fishing.

Moira Gunn:   00:49   It’s phishing for you.

Gary Davis:     00:50   Yes. It’s phishing for the bad guys.

Moira Gunn:   00:52   71% of all cyber attacks start with a phishing email?

Gary Davis:     00:56   Yeah. Yeah. You know, phishing preys on, uh, our nature to, to act on email, right? We get an email, um, and, and quite honestly for, for your listeners, the, where phishing is usually most effective, targeting organizations in particular, is sending something to HR. HR is expecting to get resumes for candidates who are ..

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