Layered Context introduced a consolidated view of all security risks insightCloudSec collects from the various layers of a cloud environment. This enabled our customers to go from visibility into individual security risks on a resource, to understanding all of the risks that impacted that resource and the overall risk of that resource.
For example: let’s take a cloud resource that has a port left open to the public.
With this level of detail it is pretty challenging to identify the risk level, because we don’t know enough about the resource in question, or even if it was supposed to be opened to the public or not. It’s not that this isn't risky, we just need to know more to evaluate just how risky it is. As we add more context, we start to get a clearer picture: the environment the resource is running in, if it is connected to a business critical application, does it have any known vulnerabilities, are there identities with elevated permissions associated with the resource, etc.
By layering together all of this context, customers are able to effectively understand the actual risk associated with each and every one of their resources - in real-time. This is of course helpful information to have in one consolidated view, but even still it can be difficult to sift through potentially thousands of resources and prioritize the work that needs to be done to secure each one. To that end, we are excited to introduce a new risk score in Layered Context, which analyzes all the signals and context we know about a given cloud resource and automatically assigns a score and a severity, making it easy for our customers to understand the riskiest resources they should focus on.