Uncover Modern Identity and Access Management (IAM) Challenges With Enterprise Design Thinking

Uncover Modern Identity and Access Management (IAM) Challenges With Enterprise Design Thinking

co-authored by Jill Dhillon

Every chief information security officer (CISO) knows that identity and access management (IAM) is a critical component to safeguarding the organization’s systems, data and applications from unauthorized users. But IAM programs are becoming increasingly challenging due to the complexity of more devices, applications, information, users and data privacy regulations.

Organizations need new and innovative solutions to these challenges and a way forward to develop tools that will meet user needs, provide long-term business value, reduce IT management costs, enhance employee productivity and increase compliance efficiency.

Apply Enterprise Design Thinking to Identity and Access Management

I sat down with Jill Dhillon, global director of Enterprise Design Thinking for IBM Security, to talk about how organizations are using Enterprise Design Thinking to uncover and solve modern IAM challenges. Here’s what she had to say.

Question: How can clients use Enterprise Design Thinking to uncover modern identity and access management challenges?

Dhillon: Enterprise Design Thinking helps us identify the right problem to solve. So, in other words, we start by framing the problem to generate alignment and begin the work. How do we frame the problem? One option is to take a stakeholder mapping approach, which will include sponsor users who are experiencing the challenge.

We conduct user research and bring the insights into the design thinking session where we collaboratively refine the problem statement further if warranted. We move forward from there and dive more deeply into the problem as a group, then use a variety of structured, highly interactive activities to prioritize ideas and ways to solve the problem.

How does Enterprise Design Thinking build stakeholder buy-in for these new and innovative ways of managing identity?

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