Training Bats in the Random Forest with the Confusion Matrix

Training Bats in the Random Forest with the Confusion Matrix

When exploring the realm of Machine Learning, it’s always nice to have some real and interesting data to work with. That’s where the bats come in – they’re fascinating animals that emit very particular ultrasonic calls that can be recorded and analysed with computer software to get a fairly good idea of what species they are. When analysed with an FFT spectogram, we can see the individual call shapes very clearly.

Nyctalus noctula (noctule bat)

Myotis nattereri (natterera’s bat)

Plecotus auritus (brown long eared)

Pipistrellus pipistrellus (common pipistrelle)

Creating an open source classifier for bats is also potentially useful for the world outside of Machine Learning as it could not only enable us to more easily monitor bats themselves, but also the knock on effects of modern farming methods on the natural environment. Bats feed on moths and other night flying insects which themselves have been decimated in numbers. Even in the depths of the countryside here in the UK these insects are a fraction of the population that they used to be 30 years ago, but nobody seems to have monitored this decline.

So getting back to our spectograms, it would be perfectly reasonable to throw these images at a convolutional neural network (CNN) and use an image feature-recognition strategy. But I wanted to explore the depths of the mysterious Random Forest.

And what exactly is a Random Forest? As expected, the forest is comprised of trees, decision trees. It’s like playing a game of twenty questions. Sequential decisions are made, and each of these rule out some pos ..

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