The Future of Cybersecurity in Higher Education: Four Possible Scenarios

The Future of Cybersecurity in Higher Education: Four Possible Scenarios

A new report by the higher education technology association EDUCAUSE imagines four possible future scenarios of cybersecurity trends in colleges and universities. The report takes into account technology, environmental, economic and political trends to develop the scenarios, while also acknowledging evolving cybersecurity practices and data governance and privacy trends.

The goal of EDUCAUSE’s “Horizon Report” is to provide information and analysis to help higher education institutions “learn, plan, and act on all that is influencing higher education information security, now and in the future.” At the same time, the report acknowledges that planning for the future is an inexact science. “If we’ve learned one thing from 2020, it's that the future is more a set of possibilities than it is a single predictable pathway,” report says.

Taking into account the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including what it calls the uber trend of remote work, the report lays out four scenarios at colleges and universities – examining best case scenarios and challenges.


The “Growth” scenario is the rosiest and imagines a kind of age of security enlightenment. In this scenario, ten years from now, cybersecurity professionals will have become essential players in higher education and their ranks will have grown tenfold on campuses.

“In this digital future, a bad guy is lurking in the shadows of every network and scratching at the windows of every device.” To counter the threat, end users’ threat awareness has grown, enabling them to become “proactive partners in protecting their devices and networks,” as opposed to raising obstacles to cybersecurity. Meanwhile, endpoint protection platforms (E ..

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