See a Sneak Peak of Tuesday’s Take Command Summit

See a Sneak Peak of Tuesday’s Take Command Summit

In just a few short days, some of the best minds in cybersecurity will come together at Take Command to discuss the most pressing challenges and opportunities we face as an industry. The sessions include in-depth discussions on attacker trends and behaviors, a look into the Rapid7 SOC, top guest speakers with unique insights into the cybersecurity landscape, and, of course, a healthy helping of Rapid7’s own expert team.

To whet the whistle ahead of Tuesday’s discussion, we’ve reached out to some of our speakers for insights around what the Take Command Summit will offer.

For the security practitioners:

We asked our team members what they think security practitioners will take away from the summit. Jeffrey Gardner, Field CTO for the Americas talked about bringing best practices to the forefront and acting as a guide with years of experience to share.

“They will learn proven strategies on how to address issues all practitioners and security leaders face as well as insights that were learned through years of experience.”

Devin Krugly, a Strategic Security Advisor at Rapid7 echoed this sentiment with a more in-the-thick-of-it approach.

“Security pros will learn how to better prepare for the inevitable and learn from a SoC team that sees a far greater variety of threats and bad actors than any one company’s team of analysts.”

For the team leaders and decision makers:

Understanding how to lead a team of security practitioners during an era of almost constant change is no small feat. CISOs and other leaders face a constantly shifting security landscape and the need to create cohesive strateg ..

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