Reaching Strategic Outcomes With an MDR Service Provider: Part 5

Reaching Strategic Outcomes With an MDR Service Provider: Part 5

This is the fifth in a five-part blog series on managed detection and response (MDR) as it drives strategic security outcomes for businesses.

Now that you’ve reached part five of this series, you’ve seen how MDR services help organizations. They can help achieve their goals through the context of four key strategic outcomes. You’re familiar with the four pillars of how it can make your business more reliable and more secure:

Align your security strategy to your business
Protect your digital users, assets and data
Manage your defenses against growing threats, and
Modernize your security with an open, multicloud platform.

In this final post, we’ll roll up the key takeaways from those discussions in the form of specific questions organizations should ask MDR services providers.

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Align MDR Services to Your Needs

In the align your security strategy to your business step, we discussed that aligning an MDR service to the unique needs of the business first requires an understanding of what the objectives are. You can learn this a number of ways, including regular tests and workshops to prioritize and clarify goals.

Some key questions you should first ask your MDR service provider to ensure alignment to your business include:

How does your MDR provider prioritize your most critical assets?
How does your MDR provider demonstrate how they add th ..

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