Author: Arthur Gerkis
This is the second part of the blog post on the Microsoft Edge full-chain exploit. It provides analysis and describes exploitation of a logical vulnerability in the implementation of the Microsoft Edge browser sandbox which allows arbitrary code execution with Medium Integrity Level.
Microsoft Edge employs various Inter-Process Communication (IPC) mechanisms to communicate between content processes, the Manager process and broker processes. The one IPC mechanism relevant to the described vulnerability is implemented as a set of custom message passing functions which extend the standard Windows API PostMessage() function. These functions look like the following:
edgeIso!IsoPostMessage(ulong, ulong, ulong, ulong, ulong, _GUID)
edgeIso!IsoPostMessageUsingDataInBuffer(ulong, bool)
edgeIso!IsoPostMessageUsingVirtualAddress(ulong, ulong, ulong, ulong, uchar *, ulong)
edgeIso!IsoPostMessageWithoutBuffer(ulong, ulong, ulong, ulong, _GUID)
edgeIso!LCIEPostMessage(ulong, ulong, ulong, ulong, ulong)
edgeIso!LCIEPostMessageWithDISPPARAMS(ulong, ulong, uint, ulong, long, tagDISPPARAMS *, int)
edgeIso!LCIEPostMessageWithoutBuffer(ulong, ulong, ulong, ulong)
The listed functions are used to send messages with or without data and are stateless. No direct way to get the result of an operation is supported. The functions return only the result of the message posting operation, which does not guarantee that the requested action has completed successfully. The main goal of these functions is to trigger certain events (e.g. when a user is clicking on the navigation panel), signal state information, and notification of user interface changes.
Messages are sent to the windows of the current process or the windows of the Manager process. A call to PostMessage() is chosen when the message is sent to the current process. For the inter-process messaging a shared memory section and Windows events are employed. The implementation details ..
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