Katten's Privacy, Data and Cybersecurity Quick Clicks is a monthly newsletter highlighting the latest news and legal developments involving privacy, data and cybersecurity issues across the globe.
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ICO Joint Statement on Data Scraping and the Protection of Privacy
By Tegan Miller-McCormack and Sarah Simpson
On August 24, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) issued a joint statement in conjunction with 11 other global authorities responsible for data protection and privacy on data scraping. The statement underscored how data scraping, which is the process of extracting data from online sources like social media platforms, has increasingly created significant privacy concerns that may constitute reportable data breaches and lead to exploitation such as identify fraud. Read more about the ICO's recommendations for websites and individual users.
CFPB Director Announces Intention to Propose Rules Targeting the Reliance on Non-Traditional Data Sources in Consumer Finance
By Christina Grigorian, Eric Hail and Jessica Harrell
This article discusses the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) intention to publish new rules under the Fair Credit Reporting Act to prevent "misuse and abuse" by data brokers, as announced by CFPB director Rohit Chopra. The proposed rules are in response to consumer lenders' growing reliance on data brokers (and the data they generate using artificial intelligence) to generate business, improve their practices and ascertain the creditworthiness of consumer credit applicants. Read more about the proposed rules and key takeaways here.
Copyright Office Holds That 600+ Prompt Iterations Are Not Enough 'Human Au ..
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