The Office of Weights and Measures, National Legal Metrology Program (NLMP) is pleased to announce a new program called “Info (information) Hours”. An Info Hour is a one (1) hour session involving an informal discussion on a specified topic that will allow you to network with the NLMP staff and other subject matter experts (SMEs) by sharing knowledge, experiences, and insight.
NLMP Info Hours will be held approximately once a month. To find out what topics will be discussed as well as the link to the sessions, please view OWM Training and Events webpage. For your convenience, we have provided them below as well. There is no registration required or costs associated with attending. Please be sure to place these dates on your calendar.
Credit: Canva
June 05 – MANUAL WEIGHT ENTRIES. OWM will be conducting an informal discussion on Scales Code paragraphs S.1.12. Manual Weight Entries and UR.3.9. Use of Manual Weight Entries. This discussion will encompass the history of these paragraphs and how to interpret and apply them, including what must be printed on recorded representations, when a manual weight can be entered, and the conflict between the specification and the user requirement.
June 25 - IMPORTANCE OF GRAIN MOISTURE MEASUREMENTS. OWM will host an information hour to discuss the importance of grain moisture meter measurements and the economic impact of these measurements. The information hour will include the system of grain moisture measurements in the U.S., the economic impact of grain moisture measurements, and resources for States with grain moisture meter programs.
Credit: Canva
July 30 – UNIFORM E-COMMERCE REGULATION. OWM will be discussing the new model regulation within NIST Handbook 130, adopted during the 108th Annual Meeting of the National C ..
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