Poll Results: Smart Enterprises, Dumb Homes

Poll Results: Smart Enterprises, Dumb Homes
At work, security pros have their fingers on some pretty cutting-edge technology. But are their homes souped up, too?

Security pros have their fingers on some pretty cutting-edge technology. After all, that's what they need to safeguard their organizations and stay as many steps ahead of attackers as possible.

So you might think these tech-savvy folks would be equally eager to own the latest and greatest innovations on the homefront — stuff like smart TVs and speakers, mobile-controlled thermostats and lighting, and video-connected doorbells, to name a few. Right?


In The Edge's most recent poll, we asked readers to tell us, on a scale of 1 to 5, how "smart" is your home? "Dumb" was the resounding answer, chosen by 69% of 305 respondents. But like most things in life, dumb comes in many flavors, so for this poll survey takers had their choice of two: "dumb as a rock and that's how I like it" (cited by 44%) and the slightly scaled-back "pretty dumb" (25%).

Then we have the moderates — another 25% who said they're all about "striking a cost-effective balance between tech enthusiasm and security caution." Finally, barely 4% labeled their abodes "wicked smart," while only five brave individuals (under 2%) replied "highly intelligent, voice-activated IoT everywhere. Can't wait for my thought-activated IoT."

As vulnerabilities in Internet of Things (IoT) devices continue to proliferate, results smart enterprises homes