Phishing attacks are a complex problem that requires layered solutions - Help Net Security

Phishing attacks are a complex problem that requires layered solutions - Help Net Security

Most cyber attacks start with a social engineering attempt and, most often that not, it takes the form of a phishing email.

It’s easy to understand the popularity of this attack vector: phishing campaigns are relatively inexpensive (money- and time-wise), yet successful. Attackers don’t need to create/buy technical exploits that might or might not work – instead, they exploit what they can always count on: users’ emotions, fears, desires, and the fact that, despite knowing better, it only takes a moment of inattention to make a mistake.

“Cybercriminals play on users’ expectations of trust in email communications, and the human instinct – despite training and warnings to the contrary – to click on malicious links, give away credentials or even install malware and ransomware on endpoint devices. The reality is that people are always soft targets, and soc ..

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