Remember the Titans: Yubico jangles new NFC and USB-C touting security key

Remember the Titans: Yubico jangles new NFC and USB-C touting security key

Security token biz Yubico has a new key out today, its latest-generation two-factor encryption (2FA) authentication unit, the Yubico 5C NFC, which includes support for PCs and mobile devices using USB-C, as well as a built-in NFC radio.

Previous generations of the Yubikey have had USB-C and NFC, but not in a complete package. The most recent NFC-touting device came with an old-school rectangular USB-A connector, liming its usefulness for new computers, which might not include them. The last model offering USB-C lacked NFC — although it did come with a built-in Lightning plug, effectively covering all the bases of the mobile market.

As before, the Yubico 5C NFC comes with support for the whole gamut of 2FA authentication protocols, including FIDO2, WebAuthn, and YubiOTP.

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