Cyber security news roundup - Digital Health

Cyber security news roundup - Digital Health

Our latest cyber security roundup features news that NHS Greater Manchester Shared Services has received an international security standard and data from Microsoft suggests there are changing attitudes towards cyber following the Covid-19 pandemic. 

NHS Greater Manchester Shared Services awarded international security standard

NHS Greater Manchester Shared Services (GMSS) has been awarded the international information security standard ISO 27001.

GMSS is one of the first NHS organisations to be awarded the world-recognised best practice information security standard. Achieving ISO 27001 demonstrates the importance the organisation puts on protecting vital customer and patient information from a wide range of cyber threats that can lead to data loss.

Phil Scott, GMSS IT security manager, said: “There have been a number of major data breaches in the healthcare industry, which highlighted the vulnerability of the NHS to cyber-attacks. We wanted to reassure our customers that we are committed to keeping data safe and leading the way in cyber security, so ISO 27001 certification was the clear choice.”

ISO 27001 functions as a framework for an organisation’s information security management system. It provides assurance that there are measures being taken to ensure that information is saved and shared as safely as possible. The standard takes GMSS beyond national NHS information security requirements and has already demonstrated its value during the Covid-19 crisis.

Microsoft data suggests changing attitudes towards cyber 

New data from Microsoft has suggested the pandemic has helped to accelerate the digital transformation of cyber-security.

The data has shown that 58% of respondents said they have increased their security budgets during the pandemic while 82% said they plan on adding security staff.

Furthermore, cyber security roundup digital health