VU#238194: R Programming Language implementations are vulnerable to arbitrary code execution during deserialization of .rds and .rdx files


A vulnerability in the R language that allows for arbitrary code to be executed directly after the deserialization of untrusted data has been discovered. This vulnerability can be exploited through RDS (R Data Serialization) format files and .rdx files. An attacker can create malicious RDS or .rdx formatted files to execute arbitrary commands on the victim's target device.


R supports data serialization, which is the process of turning R objects and data into a format that can then be deserialized in another R session. This will provide a copy of the R objects from the original session.

The RDS format, which mainly comprises .rds files, is used to save and load serialized R objects. These objects are utilized to share states and transfer data sets across programs. They are not expected to run code when they are loaded by an R implementation unless prompted by the user. R Packages use .rdx files, which contain a list of offsets, lengths, and names, and are accompanied by a .rdb file, which is used to extract more information about those offsets. .rdx and .rdb files contain RDS formatted data within themselves. A .rds file functions similarly to a .rdx file but only allows for storing a single R object. When loading a .rds or .rdx file, the readRDS function is utilized. An R implementation using the readRDS function given that information will then read the offsets and load the data.

R supports lazy evaluation. This can be implemented through a type called Promise, which can be represented in the RDS format as PROMSXP. This type is used to manage expressions that are called and completed in a asynchronous manner when their associated values are needed to be used by the ..

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