BrandPost: Foundational Cloud Security with CIS Benchmarks

BrandPost: Foundational Cloud Security with CIS Benchmarks

Cloud service providers (CSPs) have changed the way organizations of all sizes architect and deploy their IT environments. CSPs now make it possible for organizations to rapidly implement new technologies with greater levels of ease and scalability.

As with any new opportunity, leveraging cloud technology also introduces new forms of risk. Industry standards provide organizations guidance to create policies and plans as well as to manage their cloud environments. Organizations that do not use industry standards to harden their environments leave themselves open to cyber attacks and misconfigurations.

Cloud environments evolve and change, and CSPs are constantly adding new functional services that come with unique configuration and security tools to manage them. However, organizations cannot be solely dependent on the CSP for security. The Shared Responsibility Model requires that organizations ensure security "in" the cloud by in the very least protecting their data.

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