Because things aren't bad enough already: COVID-19 is going to mess up election security assumptions too

Because things aren't bad enough already: COVID-19 is going to mess up election security assumptions too

The social distancing measures brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic will weaken election security in the US, according to a non-profit's security check.

A report [PDF] from New York University's Brennan Center for Justice warns that as election workers and local officials are forced to do their jobs remotely, the risk of attack skyrockets.

"Many government personnel must work and access election infrastructure remotely now; so too must vendor personnel," the Brennan report says.

"These changes to work environments, if not properly managed, could create new targets for those interested in disrupting American elections through cyberattacks."

The problem, the Brennan researchers say, is that many of the election security measures put in place over the last few years have been based on the ..

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