48K Windows Hosts Vulnerable to SMBv3 RCE Attacks, Scanners Available

48K Windows Hosts Vulnerable to SMBv3 RCE Attacks, Scanners Available

After an Internet-wide scan, researchers at cybersecurity firm Kryptos Logic discovered roughly 48,000 Windows 10 hosts vulnerable to attacks targeting the pre-auth remote code execution CVE-2020-0796 vulnerability found in Microsoft Server Message Block 3.1.1 (SMBv3).

Several vulnerability scanners designed to detect Windows devices exposed to attacks are already available on GitHub, including one created by Danish security researcher ollypwn and designed to check if SMBv3 is enabled on the device and if the compression capability that triggers the bug is enabled.

The vulnerability, dubbed SMBGhost, is known to only impact desktop and server systems running Windows 10, version 1903 and 1909, as well as Server Core installations of Windows Server, versions 1903 and 1909.

Microsoft explains that "the vulnerability exists in a new feature that was added to Windows 10 version 1903" and that "older versions of Windows do not support SMBv3.1.1 compression."

ollypwn's CVE-2020-0796 scanner in action (server without and with mitigation)

DoS proof-of-concept already demoed

They also shared a demo video of a denial-of-service proof-of-concept exploit developed by researcher Marcus Hutchins (aka MalwareTech).

"The SMB bug appears trivial to identify, even without the presence of a patch to analyze," according to Kryptos Logic which means that malicious actors might soon be able to develop their own CVE-2020-0796 exploits.

While no malicious scans for Windows 10 hosts without mitigations put in place haven't yet been detected, the fact that PoC exploits have already been develo ..

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