Metasploit Wrap-Up 05/10/2024

Metasploit Wrap-Up 05/10/2024

Password Spraying support

Multiple bruteforce/login scanner modules have been updated to support a PASSWORD_SPRAY module option. This work was completed in pull request #19079 from nrathaus as well as an additional update from our developers . When the password spraying option is set, the order of attempted users and password attempts are changed.

For example, with the usernames user1, user2, and passwords password1 and password2. The default bruteforce logic will attempt all passwords against the first user, before continuing to the next user:


When the PASSWORD_SPRAY option is set, each password is tried against each username first:


This change of order can be useful as it decreases the risk of account lock out for larger password lists.

New module content (4)

CVE-2024-20767 - Adobe Coldfusion Arbitrary File Read

Authors: Christiaan Beek, jheysel-r7, ma4ter, and yoryio
Type: Auxiliary
Pull request: #19050 contributed by jheysel-r7
Path: gather/coldfusion_pms_servlet_file_read
AttackerKB reference: CVE-2024-20767

Description: This adds an auxiliary module to exploit an Arbitrary File Read Vulnerability in Adobe ColdFusion versions prior to '2023 Update 6' and prior to '2021 Update 12'.

CrushFTP Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Read

Author: remmons-r7
Type: Auxiliary
Pull request: #19147 contributed by metasploit