NIST has published Special Publication (SP) 800-223, High-Performance Computing Security: Architecture, Threat Analysis, and Security Posture.
Executive Order 13702 established the National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI) to maximize the benefits of high-performance computing (HPC) for economic competitiveness and scientific discovery. Securing HPC systems is challenging due to their size; performance requirements; diverse and complex hardware, software, and applications; varying security requirements; the nature of shared resources; and the continuing evolution of HPC systems.
SP 800-223 provides guidance on standardizing and facilitating the sharing of HPC security postures by introducing a zone-based HPC system reference architecture that captures common features of HPC systems and serves as a foundation for a system lexicon. The document also delves into HPC system threat analysis, security postures, challenges, and recommendations.
SP 800-223 can be found online. For additional information, please visit the NIST HPC Security Working Group website.
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