Healthcare Security – Security with Life and Death Consequences

Healthcare Security – Security with Life and Death Consequences

A Day in the Life

Cybersecurity remains one of the most exciting technology jobs and one of the top sought-after positions by many technology professionals. It is also one of the most difficult positions for an employer to fill. Why is this the case?

When you think about cybersecurity, the mind often drifts towards the good versus evil of technology. Cybercriminals are seemingly everywhere, seeking to make a digital dollar off of the vulnerabilities of unsuspecting individuals and organizations. The security practitioner, on the other hand, is the sleuth who hunts down and neutralizes the threats, remediating the vulnerabilities. All of this, both the good and the bad, are accomplished from the safe confines of a room with a computer. No messy fights or murder scenes.

The day of a typical security practitioner can rise to the excitement level of dissecting an attempted intrusion through packet analysis, log review, and tracing other artefacts of criminal behaviour. It can involve interviewing techniques, seeking to find out what compelled a person to forgo all the security training and click on a suspicious link. Red and Blue Team exercises, threat hunting, and pen testing also add to the allure of the exciting security practitioner profession. Sleuthing at its finest, and exciting moments indeed!

A typical day for a security practitioner can also sink to the mundane tasks of policy, audit, metrics, and reporting. These topics, as well as endless meetings to explain password security and risk management can suck the enthusiasm out of the most passionate security advocate. Not as glamorous as the detective work, but equally necessary for an effective security program.

Sometimes, There ..

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