A group of white hat hackers are busy fixing cryptocurrency bugs and for good reasons. According to a recent report from Hardfork, hackers have earned around $32,150 in 7 days by providing their services to blockchain companies.
The most famous clients of these hackers include EOS, TRON, Coinbase, and Brave. There are a total of 15 more related companies, also related to blockchain, seeking the help of such white-hat hackers. A number of hackers were hired between March 28 and May 16 by these firms, says the report.
Fixing Cryptocurrency Bugs: The Biggest Blockchain Firms
Images: Shutterstock
According to the data, Omise hired hackers the most number of times for fixing cryptocurrency bugs. On the other hand, Coinbase only needed one cryptocurrency fix. Augur and Brave software hired the hackers three times each to fix cryptocurrency bugs, while Chainlink, Cobinhood, Monero, and Electroneum required two-time bug fixes.
Omise, the blockchain firm which ordered the most number of fixes, is a payments company based in Thailand. Its most prominent clients include McDonald’s, The Pizza Company and King Power. In October 2018, Omise secured funding from a Japanese company called 31VENTURES. The investment was made to help Omise in expanding its presence in Japan.
The current cost of fixing crypto bugs is determined by the severity of the exploit. Block.one and Aeternity gave a payment of $10,000 to a single hacker for his services.
Binance, another global cryptocurrency exchange, reported that hackers stole around 7,000 Bi ..
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