Government Striving for New Ways of Working

Government Striving for New Ways of Working

Public sector organizations pivoted to new ways of working in the early weeks of the COVID-19 crisis, striving for speed, continuity and responsiveness around their mission priorities and vital services. 

Today, with the ongoing threat of the virus and vast economic and operational impacts, government agencies should look to permanently transform their post-COVID workforces and ways of working, while recognizing that not all staff can perform remotely and not all services can be delivered virtually. 

Ensuring necessary and equitable access to services will likely mean a hybrid approach of both digital and physical access for citizens. Such workforce and service transformation also requires a smart investments in new technology. 

Build Digital ‘Contact-Light’ Services

Since the crisis began, agencies have stood up new digital services, such as virtual agents, to provide wide-ranging assistance while minimizing risk. Smarter services will drive the next evolution. To do this, agencies must use predictive analytics to complete transactional citizen services—everything from driving license renewal requirements to in-person appointment scheduling where needed. By transparently using data from digital interactions via machine learning algorithms, agencies can change their service delivery models to predict and support customers’ current and future needs. 

Citizens have tasted what’s possible with these digital interactions at speed during the pandemic and will expect more moving forward. To achieve this, agencies must enhance their skills to support new digital service delivery models, ensuring employees are capable of and supportive of working alongside new artificial intelligence resources and cultivate a culture of collaboration and co-operation both internally and across agencies. 

Empower a Distributed Workforce

Agencies had to quickly create remote working infrastructure in response to the pandemic, though processes are still not fully digitized and not all employees have the tools ..

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