Future-Proofing Data With a Data Encryption Plan

Future-Proofing Data With a Data Encryption Plan

Data volume storage needs are growing exponentially across hybrid multicloud environments. Meanwhile, companies are being faced with a greater number of regulations to follow, as well as increased exposure to data ransomware, theft and misuse.

Many regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation, highlight encryption as an example of appropriate technical and organizational measures. While not required, encryption comes highly recommended. According to The Data Security And Privacy Playbook by Forrester Research, many breach notification laws excuse an organization from fines and notification requirements when compromised data was encrypted. 

A well-thought-out data encryption strategy can go a long way to address a swath of data protection issues. Data encryption helps keep your business data safe and compliant and provides extra security against unforeseen mishaps. A good data encryption strategy identifies data needed to manage encryption keys and block unauthorized access to company data. 

Here are five key areas of consideration for implementing a successful data encryption program.

Explore the eBook: “Data encryption: what you need to know.”

1. Develop and Communicate a Data Encryption Plan

Any successful deployment begins with strong collaboration across teams to define a plan for moving forward. Involve relevant executives to get their support in securing a budget and driving plans from the top.

It’s also important to involve database administrators and team members wh ..

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