Expert Insight: What’s the key to bringing more diversity into the tech sector?

It’s often argued that the lack of women and non-binary individuals in tech is due to inadequate support, insufficient attention — especially from senior management — and a dearth of those candidates studying subjects such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). It’s a narrative that regularly gets repeated as a part of the conversation about diversity in tech. But the unfortunate reality is that the issues at hand go much deeper.

While simply recognising the problem and having these conversations is a huge step in the right direction, the industry still has a way to go when it comes to gender balance.

Today, there are plenty of women who join our industry with ambitions to lead fulfilling, successful, and rewarding careers, and they come from all walks of life. This is a big improvement from days gone by – and long may it continue.

But, while small steps have been taken to balance the scales, women and non-binary individuals are still vastly outnumbered in these industries. A positive change is long overdue. So, what’s the solution to this longstanding issue?

Widening the talent pool

To broaden their talent pool, businesses within the tech industry should be identifying new recruits through more alternative channels. Community colleges and capture-the-flag events that are designed to test and develop computer security skills in a competitive space are a great place to start. These environments are full of some of the most passionate, eager individuals who may not be getting offers elsewhere because they didn’t attend a top-tier school. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Identifying new talent from non-traditional channels helps to create a more diverse workforce. Discovering this untapped talent – and keeping hold of it – is exactly what the tech sector needs.

I’m not alon ..

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