Email inboxes are vulnerable to sophistication driven cyber attacks

Email inboxes are vulnerable to sophistication driven cyber attacks

In today’s digital world of communication, a vast amount of information is stored and processed through email communication. This includes sensitive data related to financial transactions, healthcare, professional endeavors, and personal conversations with loved ones.

Consider this scenario: a malicious hacker gains access to email credentials through phishing techniques and subsequently takes control of the victim’s email account. This precarious situation opens the door to a range of potential threats. The hacker can manipulate the email account to divert important messages to their own malicious accounts or configure settings to automatically delete critical emails or direct them to the spam folder.

For instance, picture a hacker seizing control of a corporate email account and tailoring the inbox to flag keywords associated with financial transactions and confidential information, diverting these crucial communications to unauthorized email addresses. Alternatively, the hacker might exploit the compromised account to impersonate the account holder and send deceptive messages to colleagues, urging them to divulge the company’s administrative credentials.

Cybersecurity firm Barracuda has issued a stark warning, emphasizing the urgent need for corporate entities to fortify their email networks against increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks. Once an attacker gains control of an email account, the abuse of its inbox capabilities commences. The implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has further exacerbated the situation, enabling attackers to swiftly identify and target sensitive emails with relative ease.

In a recent incident in the United Kingdom, a cybercriminal demonstrated a high degree of cunning by executing these activities discreetly, evading detection by in-house anti-malware solutions. This threat is not exclusive to the UK and may also be lurking within the email networks of American corporations.

To combat such threats, it is imperative to employ robust security measures such as mul ..

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