EigenLayer Launches Airdrop Season, Allowing Users To Claim 113M EIGEN Tokens

EigenLayer Launches Airdrop Season, Allowing Users To Claim 113M EIGEN Tokens
Restaking protocol EigenLayer has unveiled its highly anticipated airdrop season, during which eligible users can claim a portion of the initial EIGEN token supply.  EigenLayer Sets September 2024 Deadline The protocol’s announcement on Friday revealed that “Season 1” commences with 6.05% of the total supply, which users can claim starting on May 10.  Moreover, “Season 1 phase 2,” set to begin mid-June, will increase the claimable percentage to 6.75%. Season 1 will distribute approximately 113 million EIGEN tokens to participants. EigenLayer has reserved 15% of the initial token supply for the community across all seasons, signaling its commitment to inclusive participation. Related Reading: XRP All Talk, No Action? Social Media Booms, But Price Stuck In The Bear Pit EigenLayer has also announced that EIGEN tokens are currently non-transferable. However, the protocol plans to unlock token transfers once new features are launched and “further decentralization” is achieved.  These developments are expected to take place by September 30th, 2024. Until transfer restrictions are removed, core contributors and investors will not receive EIGEN staking rewards, and no inflation will occur. Record-Breaking $14 Billion In Assets Since its soft launch in 2023, EigenLay ..

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