Cybersecurity, privacy and technologies still top challenges for IT audit teams and leaders

Cybersecurity, privacy and technologies still top challenges for IT audit teams and leaders

Cybersecurity, privacy and technologies—from mission-critical to digitally transformative—top the list of challenges IT audit teams and leaders grapple with every day, according to a study conducted by ISACA and Protiviti.

An executive summary of the study notes the growing role and responsibilities of IT audit in digital transformation, partnerships between the IT organization and IT audit function, and differences in how IT audit leaders operate compared to other IT audit professionals.

The 2019 IT Audit Benchmarking Study, which will be released in full later this year, found that the biggest challenges for IT auditors were:

  • IT security and privacy/cybersecurity

  • Data management and governance

  • Emerging technology and infrastructure changes—transformation, innovation, disruption

  • Resource/staffing/skills challenges

  • Third-party/vendor management

  • More respondents this year said their organizations are interested in using advanced technologies, including robotic process automation, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and deep learning, as well as continuous auditing and monitoring, to drive greater revenue, profitability and shareholder value, and increased productivity and cost efficiencies.

    These findings align with other recent research from both ISACA and Protiviti on digital transformation. For example, ISACA’s Digital Transformation Barometer Research found that respondents saw big data and AI/machine learning/cognitive technology as the top emerging technologies that were most likely to deliver the greatest value to their organizations.

    “More organizations are more rapidly embracing emerging technologies as part of their digital transformations. IT auditors play pivotal and key partnership roles in those journeys, mitigating risk and accelerating expected business benefits,” said Rob Clyde, ISACA board chair.

    Though there is interest in ..

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