ITWeb Security Summit 2019 Eight international keynote speakers are heading to SA to join the local experts and share insights with SA's cyber security community. Governance is needed to more effectively deal with cyber crime, and additional clauses are being added to various governance frameworks to try and ensure organisational accountability, to better secure organisations against cyber crime and cyber attacks. This is according to Dr Trishana Ramluckan, researcher, and Brett van Niekerk, senior lecturer, from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, who will jointly present on "Cyber law and governance in an age of cyber attacks and cyber crime", at ITWeb Security Summit 2019, to be held from 27 to 31 May, at the Sandton Convention Centre. "Although most legislation regarding cyberspace falls within the ambit of privacy or criminal law, this still presents challenges for organisations that are victims of international or state-backed cyber attacks."
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