3 recommendations for adopting generative AI for cyber defense

In the past eighteen months, generative AI (gen AI) has gone from being the source of jaw-dropping demos to a top strategic priority in nearly every industry. A majority of CEOs report feeling under pressure to invest in gen AI. Product teams are now scrambling to build gen AI into their solutions and services. The EU and US are beginning to put new regulatory frameworks in place to manage AI risks.

Amid all this commotion, hackers and other cybercriminals are hardly standing idly by. They’re looking into using gen AI for doing everything from improving the grammar of phishing messages to exploring ways of faking video and audio to trick or extort money from victims.  They’re also looking for ways to attack the very AI models that businesses are busy investing in.

If you’re a CISO, or any security professional, the time to begin evaluating gen AI is now. In a recent white paper, IBM’s chief technology officer for security software, Sridhar Muppidi, outlined five key recommendations for evaluating gen AI’s use in defending against cyberattacks. Here’s a quick look at a few of those recommendations.

Use gen AI in threat hunting and response

As attackers increase their use of gen AI, Muppidi notes that their attacks will ..

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