2021 Baldrige Award Evaluations Set to Begin Soon

With Baldrige examiner training recently completed, evaluation teams will be formed starting this week for the annual Baldrige Award process, which will kick off later this month. This year’s teams of evaluators—volunteers selected for the 2021 Board of Examiners based on their complementary sector expertise and trained on the 2021-2022 Baldrige Excellence Framework—will examine 14 organizations that have submitted applications for the 2021 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. The applicants include five health care organizations, four nonprofit organizations, two service businesses, and three education organizations.

“Given the pandemic-related challenges faced this past year by organizations in every sector of the U.S. economy, we salute both the resilience and the quest for excellence of the 2021 Baldrige Award applicants,” said Bob Fangmeyer, director of the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program (BPEP). “These organizations once again reflect the value of the Baldrige Excellence Framework in helping organizations of all sizes and sectors to improve and sustain high performance despite economic and other difficulties.”

“This value is also demonstrated by the strong interest shown this year in the newly revised Baldrige Excellence Framework publications (business/nonprofit, health care, and education versions) and in participation in our program’s virtual Quest for Excellence® Conference and annual Baldrige Executive Fellows program, as well as in the baldrige award evaluations begin