Zoom Is 16th CVE Numbering Authority Appointed in 2021

Non-profit research and development organization MITRE on Friday announced that video conferencing giant Zoom has been named a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA).

Zoom can now assign CVE identifiers to vulnerabilities found in Zoom and Keybase products — Zoom acquired Keybase in 2020 — but it cannot assign CVEs to security holes found in third-party products.

Several potentially serious vulnerabilities have been found in Zoom products after the company’s popularity skyrocketed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Earlier this month, at the Pwn2Own 2021 hacking competition, two researchers earned $200,000 for a Zoom exploit allowing remote code execution without user interaction.

According to MITRE, there are currently 164 organizations across 27 countries that have been appointed CNAs. The organization provides a list of websites and email addresses that researchers can use to request a CVE from a certain company.

A total of 16 CNAs have been announced to date in 2021, including — in the order they were announced — Samsung Mobile, WPScan, Sophos, Swift Project, Xylem, Simplinx, Mautic, Arista, Xen Project, Environmental Systems Research Institute, DeepSurface Security, NEC Corporation, Synopsys, Axis, Vaadin, and Zoom.

A majority are only allowed to assign CVE identifiers to vulnerabilities found in their own products, but some can also assign CVEs to flaws found by their researchers in third-party software that is not in another CNA’s scope.

A total of 40 new CNAs were announced in 2020.

Related: CISA Named Top-Level Root CVE Numbering Authority

Related: numbering authority appointed