What's new in Windows 10 -- should you even update?

What's new in Windows 10 -- should you even update?

Over the past week, Microsoft has been rolling out its latest edition of Windows 10 -- one of the most popular operating systems (OS) on the planet. As part of its normal upgrade cycle, Microsoft releases frequent updates to the OS that touch on everything from security, to the interface, and even ease of use. Now, the newest Windows 10 update promises to help users manage (and pause) future updates more efficiently -- ditching the mandatory update model that's existed since the platform's release.

We've touched on the risks that come with updating to the newest version of Windows. But for those who are interested or those who want to stay current, the latest edition offers some major changes that make an already solid operating system even more easy to use and master.

Windows is constantly evolving, but are these new features worth upgrading for in spite of early-release glitches and bugs? We'll break down the changes for you, as well as our take on whether you should make the jump.

What's new in Windows 10

The Windows 10 May 2019 update (also known as Windows 10 version 1903) has been making itself available to users via the update panel in settings. If your device is set for automatic updates, this new system should install itself per your scheduled update times. Otherwise, it's as simple as visiting Settings by clicking on the Windows/Start icon, then Update & Security, then Windows Update.

Here are some of the features found in the update:

  • Light Mode: Version 1903 contains a brighter, cleaner aesthetic in its so-called "light mode," which hearkens b ..

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