We Must Address Both A Shortage And Lack Of Diversity In The Cybersecurity Workforce - mitechnews.com

We Must Address Both A Shortage And Lack Of Diversity In The Cybersecurity Workforce - mitechnews.com

DETROIT – Education provides a funnel where what we really need is a firehose to meet the demand for properly trained and educated cybersecurity workers -.  What do I mean by “Properly trained and Educated”? We need to get up-to-speed on what is necessary to be successful in real cybersecurity careers today.

Every employee in the organization should understand the importance of cybersecurity and how it effects their job and how they can make a difference in their corporation, locally, state-wide and with the security of our nation.  They all need an understanding of the basic cybersecurity principles and the extremely wide range of cybersecurity jobs begging to be filled. In short we need to have a cultural change to ensure that our employees at every level in the organization hit the ground running.

First, we must reach a larger more diverse population of workers. In essence, we need to increase the number of students who enter the interesting and varied career pathway that constitute the profession. We do this by adopting up-to-date approaches to recruiting students into education and the workforce pipeline. These modern approaches should resonate with the groups that are just entering the field.

We can no longer let education and employment recruiting methods become a barrier to entry in the field of Cybersecurity.  We need to turn the funnel over and start developing millions of cyber warriors from our amazing diverse population! While we still need a population of super techies, we also need to appeal to the larger segment of highly relevant and necessary skills and interests required to address the many varied threats in cyberspace.

I cannot tell you the number of professionals and educators that I run into that are still looking for recruits that look and ..

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