Top 3 Common Phishing Attacks You Should Know about – Part 1

Top 3 Common Phishing Attacks You Should Know about – Part 1

In a digital world where 4.03 billion people worldwide have active email accounts, it’s safe to say that it has become an essential communication tool — from heavy-hitters like Gmail dominating 61 percent of millennials and 54 percent of Generation X, while Yahoo and Outlook follow closely behind.

Whatever platform your business uses to communicate, keep in mind that your sensitive data may be at risk with the rising number of cyberattacks plaguing the worldwide web. In that regard, one of the most common security complications that can threaten your employees includes phishing attacks.

Phishers have plenty of malicious tricks up their sleeves, so letting your business familiarise itself with some of their go-to techniques can help you create better cybersecurity measures to protect your company from falling into one of these scams:

1. Deceptive Phishing

It’s hard to trick a professional into giving up critical information, but phishers know how to mask their fraud attempts by mimicking a legitimate company, person, organisation, or anyone with authority. They often facilitate a sense of urgency to prompt victims to follow their direction by using the following tricks:

  • Using legitimate links;

  • Blending malicious and benign code;

  • Modifying brand logos to look credible;

  • Using shortened links and redirecting to a phishing landing page;

  • 2. Spear Phishing

    The technique above largely depends on a “spray and pray” approach, but there’s more deliberate communication and strategy behind spear phishing. Instead of just sending emails, phishers spearhead the attack by impersonating a person with credible status to trick the reader into believing they have a possible connection.

    You’ll likely find spear phishing in social media sites like LinkedIn since phishers like to gather data from the victim suc ..

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