The Lowest-Effort Way Yet To Make 3D Printed Lenses Clear

The Lowest-Effort Way Yet To Make 3D Printed Lenses Clear

This technique shared by [Andy Kong] is for 3D printed lenses, but would probably be worth a shot for any resin prints that need to be made nice and clear. The link to his post on X is here, but we’ll summarize below.

It’s entirely possible to print lenses on a resin printer, but some amount of polishing is inevitable because an SLA print still has layer lines, however small. We have seen ways to minimize the work involved to get a usable lens, but when it comes right down to it the printing process creates tiny (but inevitable) surface imperfections that have to be dealt with, one way or another.

3D-printed lenses fresh (and wet) from the printer look clear, but have tiny surface imperfections that must be dealt with.

One technique involves applying a thin layer of liquid resin to the surface of the printed lens, then curing it. This isn’t a complete solution because getting an even distribution of resin over the surface can be a challenge. [Andy] has refined this technique to make it ridiculously simple, and here’s how it works.

After printing the lens, place a drop of liquid resin on the lens surface and stretch some cling wrap over the lens. The cling wrap conforms to the shape and curve of the lens while trapping a super thin layer of liquid resin between the cling wrap film and the lens surface. One then cures the resin while holding the cling film taut. After curing, [Andy] says the film peels right off, leaving an ultra-smooth surface ..

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