Taking Inspiration from our Security Nation in an Otherwise Uninspiring Year

Taking Inspiration from our Security Nation in an Otherwise Uninspiring Year

Well, what a year it has been. I won’t waste your time by recapping the many, many difficulties that 2020 has offered us, and instead, I will try to take a slightly different tack. While it has been a challenging (for some, truly hellacious) year, as we close it out, I’ve been trying out a little “Life of Brian” thinking and “looking on the bright side of life.”

I’m fortunate to be able to say that for me, 2020 was not all bad, in part due to the security community with whom I work every day and who have inspired me throughout the year. I’m lucky to be in a position to hear about many of the amazing things this community does, and in particular, I am grateful that I get to interview people for the Security Nation podcast, hearing about and helping share their amazing stories. In reflection of this, I’d like to share some of my own 2020 highlights and thank the community behind them. I’ve also invited some of our 2020 Security Nation guests to also share their highlights from the year.

Me first!

This is my blog post, so I’m going to share my highlights first :) As I mentioned above, it all kind of comes down to the security community for me.

I’ll start with the security community’s response to the pandemic. We quickly saw the emergence of various volunteer efforts—for example, the CTI League and taking inspiration security nation otherwise uninspiring