Small Business Cybersecurity: What Will Be Different in 2022?

Every year, new tips come out about small business cybersecurity. But the advice for 2022 isn’t all that different from previous years. 

For instance, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) talks about phishing, viruses, ransomware, strong passwords and protecting confidential information this year. Their tips on staying safe are an excellent resource that businesses should read over more than once. 

But can small businesses benefit from advice beyond what is now considered basic online hygiene? 

To stay safe in 2022, the key is to pay closer attention to some of the basic tips and balance that with some new ways of thinking. 

Which Small Business Cybersecurity Strategies Should You Focus On?


The SBA tips cover some cybersecurity best practices that might seem like they only apply to larger businesses. However, some are equally critical for small ones. For example, leaders at smaller companies often don’t think they need security awareness training. If your company only has five employees, do you really need to invest in security training? Yes. 

Does this mean that you have to conduct formal training? Not at all.

The small business cybersecurity training topics the SBA tips suggest are precisely what all employees should know:

Spotting a phishing email
Using good browsing practices
Avoiding suspicious downloads
Creating strong passwords
Protecting sensitive customer and vendor information
Maintaining good cyber hygiene.

If your small company seems too small for ‘training’, how about holding a lunch-and-learn type session over pizza? Make the training as interactive, fun and engaging as possible. Even with a business as small as five, if the session prevents one ransomware email, it may ..

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