Prevention Is Better Than the Cure When Securing Cloud-Native Deployments

Prevention Is Better Than the Cure When Securing Cloud-Native Deployments
The "OODA loop" shows us how to secure cloud-native deployments and prevent breaches before they occur.

Renowned military strategist John Boyd conceived the "OODA loop" to help commanders make clear-headed decisions during the Korean War. We'll look at how one might apply the OODA loop OODA — that stands for observe, orient, decide, and act — specifically to secure cloud-native deployments and prevent breaches before they occur.

The OODA loop begins with observing how a battle is unfolding, determining all available options, making a decision, and acting on that decision. The chaotic nature of battle requires the leader to constantly reconcile and repeat that process.

We can see the same logic in a cloud-native environment, where it describes how Kubernetes reconciliation works. A Kubernetes controller:

Observes and orientates: Monitors the current state and compares that to expectations (that is, the state that the user has defined for this resource, perhaps through a YAML file).
Decides: Determines whether any resources need to be added or taken away.
Acts: Takes steps to constantly bring the current state in line with expectations.

For example, if you have a deployment, the controller checks how many pods there are, and whether that number matches the replica count for that deployment. Each pod is a collection of containers that acts as a "deployable unit" of application code, and the replica count defines how many pods should be running at this point in time If the current number of pods doesn't match this count, the controller creates or destroys some pods to bring the numbers into line.

You can apply the same OODA loop model for security behaviors. You can detect behavior, compare it with what you expect to see, ..

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