OK, so you've air-gapped that PC. Cut the speakers. Covered the LEDs. Disconnected the monitor. Now, about the data-leaking power supply unit...

OK, so you've air-gapped that PC. Cut the speakers. Covered the LEDs. Disconnected the monitor. Now, about the data-leaking power supply unit...

I have no mouth, and I must scream

Video Israeli cyber-security side-channel expert Mordechai Guri has devised a way to pilfer data from devices that have been air-gapped and silenced.

Organizations with extreme security needs may keep certain computer hardware disconnected from any network, a practice known as air-gapping, to preclude the possibility of miscreants hacking in from compromised systems on the network, or from across internet. Attacks on such systems generally require some manner of physical access to introduce malware: an unauthorized person has to get their hands on the machine, typically briefly and unnoticed, to install malicious software, thus getting around the air-gap.

Perhaps the most widely reported air gap attack of this sort is said to have involved the covert introduction of the Stuxnet centrifuge-knackering malware gapped speakers covered disconnected monitor about leaking power supply