You know that Microsoft ZeroLogon bug you've been dragging your feet on? It's getting pwned in the wild now

You know that Microsoft ZeroLogon bug you've been dragging your feet on? It's getting pwned in the wild now

The rather concerning design flaw in Microsoft's netlogon protocol is being exploited in the wild by miscreants, the Windows giant's security team has warned.

The mega-biz today confirmed it is seeing active attacks abusing the CVE-2020-1472 vulnerability, aka ZeroLogon, which can be exploited to bypass authentication and gain domain-level administrator access in corporate networks.

Microsoft is actively tracking threat actor activity using exploits for the CVE-2020-1472 Netlogon EoP vulnerability, dubbed Zerologon. We have observed attacks where public exploits have been incorporated into attacker playbooks.

— Microsoft Security Intelligence (@MsftSecIntel) September 24, 2020

The protocol-level hole affects Windows Server and other software that implements
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