With data volumes and velocity multiplying, how do you choose the right data security solution? - Help Net Security

With data volumes and velocity multiplying, how do you choose the right data security solution? - Help Net Security

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused radical changes in our personal and working lives. The sudden and massive surge of employees working from home and the anticipated long-term popularity of the option is also forcing CIOs and CISOs to gauge – to the best of their abilities – how the balance of remote and in-person operations will look in the coming months and years.

“Have we adequately set up out cloud-based infrastructure to allow employees to operate just as well remotely as they could and can in person? And how can we make it easy for them to switch between remote and in-person operations while maintaining a high level of security?” they are asking themselves.

Among the many pieces that need to brought together to solve that puzzle is data security. Then again, finding ..

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