Why it’s the perfect time to reflect on your software update policy

Why it’s the perfect time to reflect on your software update policy

The threat landscape is evolving by the minute, with both malicious actors and well-intentioned researchers constantly on the hunt for new attack vectors that bypass security controls and gain control of systems and applications. In fact, thousands of new vulnerabilities are reported each month. In this dynamic threat landscape, an organization’s ability to deploy software updates in a timely fashion is not just a measure of its IT efficiency, but a critical facet of maintaining a good security posture.

Historically, software updates have been an opportunity for developers to strike a balance between introducing new features and addressing known vulnerabilities. However, in the face of an increasingly nimble attacker community and an overall jump in attack sophistication, this balance has tipped towards a more urgent need for rapid security responsiveness.

Apple’s recent refinement of their update process – separating critical security patches from general updates – is a clear signal to the broader market. It’s time for all organizations to examine and potentially recalibrate their software update policies. This article delves into the why and how of this necessary introspection, aiming to provide a comprehensive guide to developing a robust software update policy fit for the modern workplace.

The signal for change: Learning from Apple

Apple’s move to decouple their most time-sensitive security patches from full-scale updates via Rapid Security Response (RSR) mechanisms is a signal that traditional update cycles are no longer sufficient.

RSRs focus on security updates that address vulnerabilities currently being exploited by threat actors. These are patches for critical security flaws that hackers have discovered and are actively using to compromise systems.

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