White House Launches Supercomputing Consortium to Fight COVID-19

White House Launches Supercomputing Consortium to Fight COVID-19

The Trump administration unveiled a new initiative to help researchers worldwide harness a range of America’s most powerful high-performance supercomputing resources to deliberately accelerate new discoveries in the fight against COVID-19.

Through the COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium, scientists can tap into 16 of America’s top computing systems. Those systems will be made available by participating national laboratories, agencies, companies and academic institutions that have volunteered to share free compute time and resources—all to help put an end to the global health emergency. The new consortium was spearheaded by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Energy Department, and tech-giant IBM over the last week. 

Regarding what he deemed to be a “whole-of-America response,” U.S. Chief Technology Officer Michael Kratsios said in a statement Sunday that the nation is “coming together to fight COVID-19—and that means unleashing the full capacity of our world-class supercomputers to rapidly advance scientific research for treatments and a vaccine.”

The consortium is open to additional membership, but the partners that have initially offered up their resources at the time of launch include: IBM, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Microsoft from industry; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute from academia; the National Science Foundation and NASA from the government, as well as Argonne, Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge and Sandia National laboratories. 

Many of the labs and entities involved were already engaged in a variety of computer-driven work to curb and combat the virus ahead of the consortium’s launch. An OSTP official confirmed to Nextgov Monday that all ongoing res ..

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