What We’re Looking Forward to at AWS re:Inforce

What We’re Looking Forward to at AWS re:Inforce

AWS re:Inforce 2022 starts tomorrow — Tuesday, July 26th — and we couldn't be more excited to gather with the tech, cloud, and security communities in our home city of Boston. Here's a sneak peek of the highlights to come at re:Inforce and what we're looking forward to the most this Tuesday and Wednesday.

Expert insights at the Rapid7 booth

After two and half years of limited in-person gatherings, we have kind of a lot to say. That's why we're making the Rapid7 booth at AWS re:Inforce a hub for learning and sharing from our cybersecurity experts. Stop by and learn how our team members are tackling a range of topics in cloud and security overall, including:

Adapting Your VM Program for Cloud-Native Environments — Jimmy Green, VP of Software Engineering for Cloud, will walk through some of the key considerations when building a fully cloud-first approach to vulnerability management.Speeding Up Your Adoption of CSP Innovation — Chris DeRamus, VP of Technology - Cloud, will detail how Rapid7 evaluates cloud service providers (CSPs) for risk in order to promote faster, more secure adoption.Context Is King: The Future of Cloud Security Operations — Peter Scott, VP of Strategic Engagement for Cloud Security, will discuss why obtaining context around security data is key to managing complexity in cloud environments.Hybrid Is Here: Is Your SOC Ready? — Megan Connolly, Senior Security Solutions Engineer, will highlight the role that extended detection and response (XDR) technology can play in helping SOCs move toward a cloud-first model.InsightCloudSec Demo — Joe Brumbley, Cloud Security Solutions Engineer, and Sean Healy, Senior Domain Engineer - Enterprise Cloud Security, will show InsightCloudSec in action, taking you through the different use cases and ..

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